Crooswork, small business & industry

Training | Training Management | Production System Design

We Find and Train New Employees for You
Finding employees that are consciencious and attentive to work detail is becoming more difficult. Crosswork bridges the workforce gap.
  • We find your employee candidates
  • Screen those new candidates
  • And we train those candidates for your specific job openings
Training Management
Designing and managing training programs for companies that have not yet established a training department.
  • Identify training needs
  • Create or deliver training
  • English language proficiency
  • Math for manufacturing
  • Machine operation course development and delivery
  • 5s and Standard Operating Procedures
  • Leadership courses front line leaders
Business & Industry Training Courses
  • Production System Design
  • Troubleshooting, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving
  • Valuestream mapping and process improvement modeling
  • 5s and Standard Operating Procedures
  • Leadership courses for front line leaders
  • Professional Communication, Delegation, Accountability
Small Business Training Courses
  • Starting a business
  • Targeting ideal customers and markets
  • Designing products for ideal customers
  • Call or send an email for a full list of small business classes

Copyright 2021 Crosswork, LLC | 919.438.2230 | keith @ crossworktraining